
When I started this blog (a little over a year ago) my intention was to well…blog. Over the past year, I’ve been focusing so much on my Facebook page that I’ve been neglecting my own little space on the interwebs. One of my goals this year has been to blog more but, it’s now April and I’ve epically failed. So, today I’m going to write a little life update and see how that goes!

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Let’s start with the good! I have an upcoming trip planned to Atlantic City this weekend and I could not be more excited! We stay at the Resorts casino and I swear they have the BEST burger place there! I’m literally salivating as I write that. I’m planning on hitting up the casinos and said burger joint in the outfit below:



I was recently sitting at a restaurant bar and noticed Kevin from last season’s Big Brother walk by. I immediately left my boyfriend at the bar and my bar seat spinning! I went out the door and ran after him down the street. To say I’m a fan of Big Brother would be an understatement. I’ve been watching since day one and can honestly say I haven’t missed an episode. Luckily, Kevin was extremely nice and didn’t even wanna call the cops after telling him I just chased him down the street.

30442673_872874529581987_2222743564968628976_n.jpg{Cardigan (40% off)}


If you’ve been following me on Facebook, you may have seen that my sweet kitty, Myles, recently passed away. He was diagnosed with a diseased called FIP and the decline was swift. I had never heard of this awful disease before and have been trying to educate myself as much as possible. He was my best little buddy and to see him suffer like that was almost unbearable.

It’s been almost three weeks now and my heart still hurts. I miss him You may be wondering why I put this under the “good/bad” category, huh? But, I figure the “good” in all this is that we are currently trying to adopt another cat that doesn’t currently have a home. I’ve been struggling on whether to get another cat because I know there will NEVER be a way to replace Myles. However, I’ve realized that there’s so many cats out there that don’t have homes and just because I love another one doesn’t mean I’m replacing Myles by any means.


“How lucky am I to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye” – Winnie the Pooh

I’ve had a raging sinus infection for about a week now (see a picture of my swollen face in the picture right above.) It feels like a piano is permanently attached to my forehead. Seriously, how long does it take for these stupid things to go away??

Well, that’s it for now! Hopefully I can hold myself accountable to this blogging thing and be back with another post soon!
